Projekt “Lace”

Program Europa za građane, koji je od listopada 2007. otvoren i za Hrvatsku, jedan je od programa Europske unije koji predstavljaju integrirani niz aktivnosti koje Unija usvaja s ciljem promicanja suradnje među zemljama sudionicama Programa u različitim područjima vezanima zajedničkim politikama. S obzirom na činjenicu kako se rukotvorstvo i obrtništvo danas ne priznaju kao što bi trebali, a mladi nisu toliko zainteresirani naučiti metode i tehnike kojima mogu izrađivati različite proizvode, važno je popularizirati i promicati te podizati svijest o vrijednosti izrade čipke. Tehnika izrade čipke se uglavnom prenosi usmeno što otvara potrebu za zaštitom tog procesa kao i jedinstvenih proizvoda koji nastaju u tim čarobnim rukama.

Cilj ovog projekta je promovirati važnost ručnog rada i proizvoda s velikom kulturnom vrijednošću dobivenih od njega, a sve s ciljem zaštite kulturne baštine i tradicije. Također, projekt će se kroz faze implementacije, a s obzirom na činjenicu kako je svaka čipka u Europi jedinstvena, fokusirati na povezivanje čipkarskih gradova/središta u Europi u formalnu mrežu gradova. Mreža će služiti ne samo kao referentna točka za ovu vrstu rukotvorina, već i kao zagovaračka organizacija na razini europskih regija koja će rasti iz godine u godinu i na kraju biti jaka i stabilna organizacija koja djeluje na europskoj razini.

Ovaj projekt je polazište realizacije tih ciljeva, a kao Lepoglavčani možemo biti ponosni na činjenicu kako cijela ideja potječe i kreće upravo iz Lepoglave.

Kroz projekt “LACE” provedena su četiri radna sastanka i niz aktivnosti kojima su se brojne organizacije civilnog društva i ustanove javnog sektora zajedno povezale u jedinstvenu suradničku mrežu koja i dalje provodi aktivnosti očuvanja tradicijske i kulturne baštine.


Europe for Citizens Programme, which is available for Croatia since October 2007, is one of EU programmes that represent integrated series of activities adopted by the Union in order to promote the cooperation between the patricipant countries of the programme in different areas related to common policies.

Considering the fact that the manufacture and crafts are not getting the acknowledgment they deserve these days, and that young people are not as interested in learning the methods and tehniques required for producing different products, it is essential to promote and popularize, as well as raise the awareness of the value of lace-making. The technique of lace-making is usually transmitted verbally, which creates a need for protection of the process, as well as unique products that are being created by those magical hands.

The goal of this project is to promote the importance od handwork and products of great cultural value that come from it, and all with the aim of protecting the cultual goods and tradition. Also, given that every lace in Europe is unique, the procject will, throught the phases od implementation, focus on connecting the cities/centers of lace in Europe into a formal network of cities. The network will serve not only as a reference point for this type of handicrafts, but aslo as an advocacy coalition at the european regional level that will grow every year and in the end will be a strong and stabile organization that works at the european level.

This project is the starting point for the realization of this goals, and as citizens of Lepoglava, we can be proud at the fact that the whole idea started in Lepoglava.

Four working meetings and a series of activities have already been carried out through the project „LACE“. Thanks to this, a number of civil society organizations and public sector institutions have been connected into a cooperation network which continues to implement activities for preservation of traditional and cultural goods.

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